South Sámi Dictionary

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Voestes digibaagkoeh - South Sámi-Norwegian dictionary

Voestes digibaagkoeh is a South Sámi-Norwegian electronic dictionary. You can install the dictionary on your own computer.

The content

The dictionary is based upon the wordlist material made by Albert Jåma and Tove Brustad (available at the homepage of Hemnes Samiske Forening). In addition, the most common words from South Sámi texts have been added, as well as about 1000 South Sámi place names from the Norwegian Map Authority and the Swedish Sámi Parliament. All the verbs in Verbh! have been added.

All in all the dictionary contains 11.000 lemmas, but in addition most of the word forms of the lemmas are also covered, meaning that the dictionary will recognise inflections of the words as well. For verbs, nouns, numerals, pronouns and adjectives key inflections are listed, to aid the users.

You can get the source code for the dictionary, and we would appreciate updates or invites to cooperation on improving and extending the content.

Here are two pictures of the dictionary, for Mac and Windows:

Macdict StarDict